Sunday, April 16, 2006

Chocolate, chocolate everywhere

The Easter bunny has been to our place!!!!

These are the Easter eggs and chocolates that we got for Easter. Actually, there were more that we got before Easter, but I had already eaten some before Dad got the chance to take this photo.

Dad reckons I'll still be eating some of this chocolate when it's my birthday in October.

I spent Easter Saturday and Sunday at Uncle Fatboy's place. There were lots of kids there to play with because the other Uncle Fatboy came down to visit as well.

Weel, I have to go now, I can hear the Easter eggs calling out "Eat me, eat me....".

Friday, April 14, 2006

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone.

Special thanks to Grandma who sent me lots of yummy chocolates and other goodies.

Here is a photo of the colouring-in and cards I made for Grandma. Next week, I will be sending her some photos of me as well, because Grandma doesn't have a computer to see my pictures here.

I'll have to make sure that Daddy doesn'y steal any of my easter eggs. If he does, he'll get fat!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Batman to the rescue

This is me at home doing a split kick in my batman costume.

This is special for Nanna and Grumps who are now doing their own web-site. You can see what they are doing by clicking on Nannapop's travels at the side.

Dad said he will send a membership form for the Ulysses Motorcycle Club to them.